Saturday, 11 February 2012

What it feels like for a girl

What kind of girl are you ??
Two weeks ago i was chatting to a friend about being girl and a boy at the same time .. and how you share that time . at the time i was dressing a couple of times a week always in private 
I think cross dressing desire comes in waves . Sometimes you can try and fight it .. But your only fighting part of yourself ...

So i decided that for two weeks i would become a girl ..Now like most people i have a job and its not possible for me to dress there . 
But living alone i guessed i could get in maybe seven eight hours a day . I get back home about 3 pm .have a shower and transform into other person who shares my body ..I call her princess a complex creature who loves all things feminine
She loves the finer things in life French silk knickers  silk stockings prada dresses champagne and bubble baths  baby dolls

Every night for two weeks i dressed and practice being female . I have a small but pretty wardrobe and i like girly blouses and short skirts and pretty pumps next my make this can be hit or miss and i guess like everything you get better as you go along the wig and there i am i girl and it just feels right

It might sound corny but when you wear pretty soft clothes ..You feel softer and that is what it feels like 


  1. well done baby girl, very well done
    daddy D

  2. Hey Princess Stefanie,

    I loved reading this.
    It sounded so familiar.
    I have to say your inspiring me to be sissy a lot more.
    Maybe I'll start up a blog :p

    Your friend

    Naughty Amanda ;)

  3. Boy, you are so pretty.
